Saturday, February 14, 2009

History of swordsman

A swordsman is the warrior that was trained in variety of fighting skills.Including the skill of fighting with arm , fighting unarmed,using horse, and so on.They were called "bushido" which in Japanese word, "bushi" means warrior while "do" means the way.
The elite Samurai warrior trained for many years in the art "Bujutsu". The Samurai were experts in a wide variety of combat skills including ground fighting, fighting unarmed, fighting with arms and fighting from horseback. Early Samurai used bow and arrows, and swords. Later Samurai used swords, spears and naginata ="halberds". They also believed that their warrior spirit was contained within their swords. They dedicated their lives to the combat arts of Bujutsu.
The samurai also always used two swords which were wakizashi and a katana.These sword commonly made by their master and were tested well.

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