Batto-jutsu A sword-drawing art that includes cutting rolled straw targets
Bo-jutsu Staff fighting
Budo Martial or Fighting Arts
Bushido The Way of the Warrior
Chokuto Straight sword used in Japan's early history
Daimyo Feudal landowner
Daisho Samurai's two swords (one long - katana, one short - wakizashi)
Edo Period 1600 - 1867 when Tokugawa government ruled Japan
Giri Samurai's duty
Gunpai War fan
Hakama Divided skirt-pants Samurai wore
Heian Period 782 - 1184 when Japan's capital was located in Kyoto
Iai-jutsu Art of Drawing the Sword
Kamakura Period 1185 - 1332 when the capital of Japan was in Kamakura. Known as the "golden age" of the Japanese sword.
Kampaku Regent
Katana Long sword
Ken Sword - refers specifically to an ancient, two-edge sword made before the ninth century
Ken-jutsu Art of the Sword
Koto Swords made before the Edo Period
Kyo-jutsu Bow and arrow fighting
Kyuba no michi The Way of the Horse and Bow
Kyu-jutsu Japanese archery
Mei Name of a sword
Momoyana Period 1573 - 1599 when Samurai began wearing daisho. Also beginning of the Shinto (new sword) period.
Mon Family crest worn on montsuki
Montsuki Kimono top Japanese wore at formal occasions
Muramasa Sword maker
Muromachi Period - 1392 - 1572 when constant civil wars greatly increased the production of swords.
Musha-shugyo Warrior pilgrimage
Naginata Long pole with curved blade on one end
Naginata-jutsu Way of the Naginata
Nambokucho Period 1333 - 1391 when two emperors were vying for power in Japan
No-dachi Long sword
Ronin Master-less Samurai
Ryu Particular school or style of martial arts
Samurai Member of the warrior class
Sensei Teacher
Seppuku Ritual suicide
Shin Shinto "New New Sword" - any sword made after Meiji Restoration (1870)
Shinto "New Sword" - any sword made between 1596 and 1870
Shogun Barbarian subduing General (war lord)
So-jutsu Spear fighting
Sohei Warrior monks
Tachi Long, deeply curved sword that mounted Samurai used in ancient Japan
Uchigatana "Inside sword" - a term for the longer of two swords Samurai wore
Wakizashi Short sword
Zanshin Samurai's sensing danger